Probably one fo the best dissections of identity and authenticity in art I've ever seen, and in the guise of a fictional television drama. Sure, I'm a David Simon fanboy so I knew I was going to like this; three episodes in I'm still blown away by the level of sheer beauty in every scene.
(note throwback Malkin jersey, a xmas gift;; thanks Anthony!)
part two
In the vacant, overgrown lot across the street, a black metal band was doing a photoshoot yesterday. I'm sure they will convince their listeners that they are in some remote, extreme Finnish wilderness, but it's the middle of Helsinki. This photo, of them taking a photo, is by Erkki Sinnemäki.
To continue the habit of posting pictures of extreme pizza here, this is my favourite Finnish example, prepared by the fantastically awkward Ravintola Mukesh (on the corner of Sturenkatu and Mäkelänkatu in Vallila, Helsinki). This particular specimen is slightly less extreme than usual, as there was not as much curried cauliflower or beetroot this time. However, he was overly generous with the dill pickle slices and the Indian flavour was present throughout every bite.
stop leaking. kthnx
"Braggot (also called bracket or brackett). Originally brewed with honey and hops, later with honey and malt — with or without hops added. Welsh origin (bragawd)." -- Wikipedia